As the mother of three strong, beautiful young men, I am continually humbled and amazed by the parenting experience. Like you, I’ve stayed awake nights watching over my child's fitful sleep; I’ve nursed demons that my rational mind knows aren't there; I've felt both the expansive brightness and wrenching ache of being utterly in love with my children.
When you’re riding that roller coaster of parental crazy-love, making medical decisions can be unbelievably difficult. Having the support of a trusted, experienced medical provider who truly understands the needs of both you and your child isn't just comforting, it’s vital.
Children are – have always been – the focus of my medical career. I grew up with special needs children. Since then I have been caring for critically ill and medically fragile children along with all of the typically developing children who make up the bulk of my practice. Each of these professional experiences has helped to hone my skills in accurately assessing a child’s current state of being and – when necessary – acting quickly to address emergent situations.
I have a profound respect for children, and believe that by knowing them and their family well I can provide the best support for their developing mind body and spirit. Individualized, personalized care takes time and flexibility. I pride myself on the ability of our practice to meet the needs of our patients. Individualized, personalized, accessible care is our goal.
I hope to join you in a partnership spent marveling at the creativity, strength, and beauty of your children. Together we can watch them grow and learn; celebrate their abundant energy; working in tandem to support the health of their minds, bodies and spirits.
If you have questions about me or my practice, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’m here for you.
Photo by Zurijeta/iStock / Getty Images
Education: Experience:
UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON Seattle, WA Pediatric Surgery PNP/First Assist in Post Doctoral Fellow, Biobehavioral Nursing Jun 2007 OR 2y
UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON Seattle, WA Pediatric Solid Organ Transplant Doctor of Philosophy, Biobehavioral Nursing Jan 2005 PNP 7y
UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, School of Nursing: Acute Care Program Pediatric Bone Marrow
Master of Science in Nursing, Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Aug 1998 Transplant PNP 2y
UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE, School of Nursing Accelerated Program Pediatric Intensive Care Unit RN Bachelor of Science, Nursing Jun 1995 10+y UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE, Biology/Neuroscience Neonatal Intensive Care Unit RN Bachelor of Arts, Biology Minor: Psychology concentration Neuroscience Jan 1990 10+y
This is how hard it is to get a good picture of myself for a website mugshot- thanks to those in my life who posed with me!